Spring in Normandy France Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux

by Ginette Callaway
Spring in Normandy France Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux
Ginette Callaway
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Spring in Normandy. A beautiful view of the Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux
"Sanctuaire Sainte Th�r�se de Lisieux"
The basilica is a Roman Catholic church
Original oil painting is 36 inches by 24 inches.
See my website for originals. ginettecallaway.com
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The idea of building a basilica at Lisieux in honour of the newly canonised saint (1925) met with much opposition from the local clergy. The town already possessed many religious buildings and it was thought that devotion to Th�r�se, which enjoyed great popularity among the French soldiers during the First World War, had had its day.
However, Bishop Lemonnier was not persuaded by these objections. In 1925, he commissioned a Parisian architect to draw up a preliminary design. But the proposed design provoked many criticisms. It was felt � most notably abroad � that the proportions were somewhat cramped. For the most loved Saint in the world, nothing but the most beautiful basilica would suffice.
An internationally respected architect from the north of France, Mr. Louis-Marie Cordonnier, was asked to submit a design.
Pope Pius XI had canonised Th�r�se on 17th May 1925 and considered her to be the jewel of his Pontificate. He strongly desired the construction of a sanctuary at Lisieux. The Pope�s desire contributed to the reduction in local opposition and on the 21st September 1927, Bishop Lemmonier approved Cordonnier�s design. Bishop Suhard, who succeeded Bishop Lemmonier some months later, did not reverse the decision of his predecessor and the first works began in 1929.
The work advanced to the point that on the 30th September 1929, the foundation stone of the new building was laid. From that moment onwards, the building of the basilica progressed at an accelerated rate. In November 1929, Pius XI made it known to Bishop Suhard that the new basilica would have to be �very big, very beautiful, and as soon as possible !� :
Total surface area 4,500 m2 Height of dome 90 m Height below vault 34 m
On the 11th July 1937, during the 11th National Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII) conducted the solemn blessing of the Basilica.
The Basilica suffered little during the bombings of June 1944 and the completion works (stained glass and mosaics) continued up until 11th July 1951, on which date the sanctuary was consecrated by Most Reverend Martin, Archbishop of Rouen, with the Papal Legate, Cardinal Feltin, presiding.
July 25th, 2014