Dandelions Botanical Oil Painting

by Ginette Callaway
Dandelions Botanical Oil Painting
Ginette Callaway
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Dandelions Taraxacum officinale
The English name, dandelion, is a corruption of the French dent de lion[ which means
"Lion's Tooth", referring to the coarsely toothed leaves.
This is my Impressionistic oil painting painted with brush and knife in a
traditional manner.
My work is often compared to that of to Van Gogh in style and feel.
I admire and learn from artist like Van Gogh as well as Russian Impressionist
Nicolai Fechin. Paint is applied thick and generous.
I mix my own colors using a high quality set of certain colors, I mix any hue and variation I desire. This gives my art a certain uniqueness, you can tell this is not paint that comes straight from a tube on to the canvas. Color mixing is one of my strengths.
This painting as a lemony yellow and some warmer yellow as well. My Ginette Lime Green, which you can find in many of my paintings. There is also a muted green and touches of some brighter green as well. A hint of rose color that is another mix of mine not to red, not too purple, not pink, more of an old rose. Against the yellow is set a bit of lavender as a compliment.
My early youth was filled with adventures of exploring the countryside. We were living in Alsace France in a small mining village surrounded by beautiful meadows and rolling hills with the mountains in far distance. My brother who was just one year older than I and a dreamer already, explored the meadows for hours.
My mother went out to harvest young dandelions leaves to make us a nice salad whenever possible. We were pretty poor and she had to make ends meet and get food from the wild. She even collected snails... but i can't remember eating them. I loved the mushroom picking days and my favorites were Chanterelles.
February 23rd, 2013